Friday, November 5, 2010

How Do Animal Structures

Letter from the teachers of the fourth circle of Grosseto

Letter of teachers to parents

planning and carrying out activities under the Plan of Studies

in full compliance with the principles of school autonomy.

The teachers of this educational circle for families wishing to explain the reasons of discomfort that accompany the beginning of this school year.

We would make you aware that our reasons are your reasons why children are the most adversely affected by the continuing cutbacks in public school and the school for which we stand is the best you can for your children.

As we paid category of workers, perhaps more than others the effects of the crisis for us have been blocked shots seniority and economic progress for three years, we too have lost many jobs, even for us overtime is paid so indignitoso (€ 4,00 per hour educational tours, € 9.80 per hour for the preparation and management of children in case of shows, exhibitions, parties etc...)

However, our major concerns and our demands more determined mainly concern the continuous deterioration quality of public schools, and it is only through the efforts of teachers (in economic terms with the purchase of and payment for photocopies and the willingness to make additional time free of charge) that this club has failed to ensure a good quality service.

This year, unfortunately, the effects of the Reform and Gelmini further cuts inflicted on the school division, forcing teachers and administrators to lower the supply side of education-teaching, in fact:

  • It 's always more difficult to ensure longer hours in the classroom to form, it forces the manager and teachers to experiment with time and organizational arrangements with teachers engaged in complexes with more fragmented times that penalize the peaceful and successful teaching, so important in this age group.

  • are increasingly penalized students with disabilities and difficulties to which there is no guarantee an adequate number of hours of support.

  • result in a lack of co-hours that allow the integration and strengthening of the Italian language for better reception and integration of foreign students.

  • can not be guaranteed alternative activities for children who do not use the teaching of the Catholic religion.

  • It 's always more apparent the inadequacy of financial resources which already penalize families which require the supply of photocopy paper, toilet paper, soap, and the cost of photocopying it.

  • E 'increasingly intolerable situation of substitutions in the absence of teachers which drastically reduce or interrupt individualized laboratory activities and teaching the normal teaching force teachers to re-distribution of students in other classes. This involves, in addition to issues of safety and welfare of children linked to overcrowding, a real challenge to the Plan of Studies.

Staying in school does not mean to school! Where, because of lack of supply, children are divided into other classes that day, we can only watch and at the same time, it also hampers the class that hosts them.

If in 40 hours of full-time you can not do all those activities which make him feel comfortable in class so much time (music, theater, library, computer outputs ...) and are a fundamental part of the curriculum designed for this type of school, we risk simply to stay on the shelves to read and copy the board for 8 hours! This transforms the school into a container, a time of sometimes ill-guarded parking lot.

If we do not allow students in need of getting into the classes with personalized courses and work in small groups penalize not only those children, but the whole class because the teacher has to devote part of his time trying to limit the inconvenience . The same goes for classes which are placed in children who do not speak Italian and have a right to be accepted and integrated quickly.

is, in many cases the rights of your children to be denied: the right to education enshrined in the Constitution, the right to avail themselves of alternative activities to the Catholic religion as laid down in the Concordat and to implement the plan of training proposed at the time of registration.

We invite you to understand our protest and to join us in all those required to protect education and the education of your children.