Thursday, April 22, 2010

How Much Is The Nevada Millennium Scholarship

Universitas Monticelli Press.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Monte San Biagio. Our opinion on the future of the school system mound is clear and has been known for some time.
We support the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking available to the institution of the Parco dei Monti Campomarinello Ausoni, to be able to accept the seat, but with the promise to allocate part of the Park as the location of the structure is decentralized Municipality, for set up to restore a chapel, so the celebration of Sunday Mass and catechism, that the irresponsible choices that have deprived communities.
resources from the rental, or eventually from the sale of the plexus of the district, may be invested in education in the country, primarily on the complex of Maria Pia of Savoy.

Our idea of \u200b\u200bconsolidation is to centralize primary schools plexus in the center, taking the classrooms currently in use at the City Council and other associations, and at the same time allocate space adjacent to the school in an area equipped for indoor physical activities for children. E 'be considered that this solution would allow the local library to play a full role as a house of culture and not be relegated to the use and consumption of a few. In addition, through the funding that the Region has sent to our community play areas, you might be better to have the area for children under the plexus Maria of Savoy (the space adjacent to the current plenary meeting), as open-air gym school pupils.

solution that would allow the district to Campomarinello to see enhanced its environmental potential, through the office of the Parco dei Monti Ausoni, with its offshoots, which may be generated through the creation of activities dedicated to rural tourism and related activities, while the center of the country would have the vitality necessary to allow existing businesses to continue to do their job and perhaps induce others to create new entrepreneurship.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Volcano Quickly Flowing


the support teacher is a teacher, provided specific training, assigned to the class where the student is present disabled. It requires the head teacher and quantification of hours of support needed from the diagnosis is functional and the project delivered by the Class Council.
Law 244/2007 (Finanziaria 2008) had repealed the possibility of exceptions in fact employs the staff for their support and fixed a quota of places for support. Specifically, the Finance Act 2008, no 244 provides that "... the number of posts of assistant teachers as the school year 2008/2009, shall not exceed 25% of the total number of sections and classes provided in the body of law of the school year 2006/2007 ", changing the previous law which expressly provides for exceptions in the allocation of teachers to support students with disabilities in cases of particularly serious.
I doubt the constitutionality of the said Finance Act, now at last recognized based were raised in proceedings pending between the Ministry of Education and the parents of a Sicilian girl, who suffered from psychomotor retardation and seizures to severe encephalopathy, who had appealed against the decision with which the school administration, in the training of staff, had assigned a tutor for 12 hours per week for 25 hours instead of previously granted.
The Constitutional Court, with the Judgement of 22 February 2010 number 80, has ruled unconstitutional the paragraph of the Finance Act 2008 in so far as setting a ceiling on the number of posts of assistant teachers, and an article in so far as it excludes the possibility of recruiting teachers notwithstanding the presence of support in classes of students with severe disabilities, once exhausted the means of protection provided by law.
The Constitutional Court states in its ruling that "Each disabled person is involved in a rehabilitation process aimed at its full integration into society process in which school education and integration play a leading role." The Court in the grounds of the further claims that "the choice made by the legislature, in particular to abolish the reserve that allowed teachers to take on fixed-term support, there is no justification in our system, since that is one of the reserve means by which it is made the basic right to education of the severely disabled. "
Following the ruling, have been submitted parliamentary questions to spur the government to take initiatives to introduce a revision of the rule and proceed to the stabilization of the teachers of the current support service. See the statement of the course will guide the outcome of any litigation brought by individuals concerned. E 'hoped that it will remove barriers to job support in derogation where there are real needs.
need a revision of the legislation, because the acceptance and full integration of disabled people should continue to be a hallmark of quality for the Italian school.

Parent School Committee - Coordination Parents Democrats, Grosseto, in April 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Typical British Appetizer

Universitas Monticelli Press.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Monte San Biagio. Tomorrow, Friday, April 9, the municipal council of Monte San Biagio is called to approve the Regulations for the establishment of the local security and law-abiding culture. Initiative that has seen players now, having us, thanks to the participation of those who signed our petition, filed in the City and the City Council accepted the draft Regulations for the establishment of the Standing Board for the safety and legality, which represents the backbone of this new body of impetus in the safety of citizens. A

end of this long process, we wanted to express our appreciation to our loyal collaboration that inspired everyone who worked on this important project for citizenship. Reiterating our vigilant attention to the work of the Centre pulse, to ensure that all translates into a paper box with no content, right now we want to bring to the attention of this new body of Firefighter of the project area. Idea that we have seen in recent times involved in the area with an information campaign and raise awareness on the potential of this new figure and to bring to the attention of the City Council ideas and tools that arise from the actual needs of citizens.

We hope that, at its meeting tomorrow dell'Assise city, there are no references to that body and, above all, that we can reach a unanimous vote of the municipal councilors, so as to give a strong signal to citizens of the State's presence on their side.