The Minister of Education
Mariastella Gelmini
The Director of the Regional School of Tuscany
Caesar Angotti
the Executive Office of the Provincial School Grosseto
Alfonso Greek
the President of the Province of Grosseto
Leonardo Marras
alderman Provincial Education Grosseto
Cinzia Tacconi
The School Administrator of the Province of Grosseto, the signatories of this letter, consider it appropriate to highlight the different situations of deep distress and difficulties have arisen with the beginning of the school year.
The sharp reduction of the permanent teaching staff and ATA, for use in the years ahead to be even more evident, has created a difficult organizational and managerial, inevitably going to affect the quality of education service offered. Various solutions have been implemented to compensate for the lack of teachers, no longer immediately replaceable (such as the reduction, the division of pupils in other classes ...) I can not but affect the training proposal, which appears so often " sacrificed "to the mere but inescapable need to ensure students at least supervision. In some cases it is now even difficult to plan alternative activities for students exempted from the time of religion, given the actual lack of teachers available. The reduction in staff ATA then further etched in a negative way, not only prolonging the time of completion of the practices in the secretariats, but with regard to school collaboration, making it increasingly difficult, given the reduced staff, monitoring of school environments and thus lowering in fact the level of safety in schools.
The combined impact of the substantial cancellation of co-presences, a resource essential to offer individualized educational tool but also essential for the replacement of absent staff, the events of national litigation related to the replacement staff with the consequent difficulty of administrative procedures for the nomination, now the chronic inadequacy of resources allocated to this purpose, is creating so much distress to the schools, even in their usual habit of addressing the problems seriously and spirit of service, which are often not recognized at various levels.
The limited availability of cash on hand, missed or insufficient funding for operating expenses, the accumulation of credits by schools to the Minister, appear elements Structural become an "emergency" that schools are living too long. In this context, the call for the Ministry of Education to solve the problem of replacing absent teachers in secondary schools First Grade and Second Grade, also appointed under the threshold of 15 days, does not seem to take into account the serious deficit situation in which Educational institutions are forced to move and on which school administrators can not be culpably indifferent.
in reporting this grave situation, which undermines the smooth functioning of educational institutions, demanding that the Ministry of Education should take responsibility for these issues, finding answers and solutions really effective and timely, substantive support to the effort responsible for all school staff on a daily basis, to varying degrees, are engaged in finding solutions that offer again, to the greatest possible levels of service quality of public education. The School Administrator of the Province of Grosseto:
Crisitina Alocci, Maria Luisa Armitage, Gino Artuso, Assunta Astorino, Joseph Bartali, Fiorella Bartolini, Renato Befi, Graziani Bongini, Loretta Borri, Paola Brunello, Daniela Busoni , Anna Maria Carbone, Alfonso De Pietro, DanielaGiovannini, Thomas Imperio, Lovari Franco, Cinzia Machetti, Patrizia Matin Pappone Gabriella Morelli, Robert Miller, Nicholas Ottaviano, Gabriella Raimo, Saverio Renzi, Barbara Rosini, Marco Rossi, Constance Soprana, Nunzia Squiteri, Giancarlo Stoppa, Tantulli Rosa, Maria GraziaTrani.
Grosseto, November 16, 2009