Another reform
What will be presented to the Council of Ministers is a bill that deals a further blow to Italian university, what are definitivo.Oggetto reform governance or the governance of the university, the recruitment of teachers and a delegation the government to reform the system of the right to studio.Meno students and more managers in the SO of the universities. It reformulated the composition of boards of directors that will be open for at least 40% to outsiders, although there will be only one student will represent the largest component of the academic community. After the possibility of change in private law foundation laid by the 133, this is another step toward the corporatization of universities and their dependence on the faculties mercato.Spariscono! Universities increasingly less democratic. The research and teaching will be assigned to departments that they can decide to merge in connecting structures or not. The Academic Senate loses a lot of powers are transferred to the Board and Rettore.Test access for scholarships! It established a national fund for the "merit" to which, after payment, can be accessed by students who want groped your luck and win a scholarship. Instead of devoting more resources to scholarships and Gelmini invents yet another lotteria.Delega to reform the law in the study. Gelmini decides that the right to education is a superficial argument, one that just a delegation to the Government to address them. It is not expected prior to a discussion with students and with the regions, it is not clear to what address you want to reform the law to the study, although we can imagine that putting individuals seen tenenza.Finanziamenti to universities based on the standard cost student. It is expected that some of the funds of ordinary funding is allocated based on the standard unit cost per student in training course. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating universities of Series A and Series B is applied in the introduction of this absurd parameter that does not take into account the differences there can be for example between the University of Palermo and Milan immersed in the local situations are totally different. A reform of charge. How much money will provide the ministry for this reform? Zero! In fact, the bill provides that the implementation of the reform should not come "additional burden on public finances." And as if to renovate a building without soldi.L 'public universities will pay at this time in a deep crisis. Many universities are having budget problems, all have long-term prospects and are unable to make predictions. The University publishes now for the day live in hope that the government go back and think about higher education public as an area on which to focus for the revival of our country and not as a burden for the cost pubblica.Come you can think of solving problems by indiscriminate cuts in public University? The ranking of universities buffalo "virtuous" or on the other hand is a further confirmation. And how can you solve problems without addressing the issue of the public University of assessing the quality of teaching, leaving the metrics continue to be exclusively digital, and then quantities, and solving the problem of lack of funds to the right study, from bags to building the university, without funding and delegating to the Government a reform for which there is no discussion? This blitz that Gelmini is doing in the Council of Ministers is madness, both in content and in the method by which the Government intends to address this sensitive issue which should be thought of as strategic for our country and instead is treated as marginal paradoxically. If the Government thinks that will deliver the empire of private universities to find our strong opposition in the streets, to defend public university education and the right to education today have a big problem and priority for their survival: funding.